Services Shortcode

[cupid_services title= »Online Learning » description= »The sheer diversity of nationalities in Cupid schools provides with a unique opportunity to interact with everyone from around the world. » link= » » link_target= » »]
[cupid_services title= »Multimedia Learning » description= »Children are exposed to Information and Communication Technology from an early age. These ICT facilities enable to create a sense of interest in students as they see and learn. » link= » » link_target= » »]
[cupid_services title= »Activity Rooms » description= »The concept of the activity room is about ‘Learning’, through play, in a totally different environment. All games are conducted as a part of the planned educational programme. » link= » » link_target= » »]
[cupid_services title= »Music And Art Room » description= »Music and Art is an integral part of the curriculum. We have well-equipped music and art rooms where students are encouraged to discover and develop their talents.  » link= » » link_target= » »]